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Our Most Popular Services

Carefully Selected Service Packages – great value for affordable cost

Discovery Packages

This package has multiple options, you can go through a complete Design Sprint,  run a fully blown focus group between your potential customers, and create a clickable mockup or you can choose a budget friendly version of that, collecting data through online surveys and using UI templates to quickly design a prototype. Using any of the options will be beneficial to your business and will potentially unleash the apps potential to new market segments.

App Maintenance Packages

So you have an app that is published on stores and you believed in it… well, sort of, because honestly you didn’t really had the time or the knowledge to tailor it to customer needs. Bad reviews were piling, and even the first few adopters were soon disappointed by some obvious bugs which weren’t fixed in time. Does that sound familiar? Are you still busy, but you want this app to “live a new life”? Then App Maintenance Packages are right for you. Please check them out here pricing packages


Startup Packages

So you’re a start-up and you have an idea. But for a dev team to work on your idea you’ll need tasks sorted by business value, mockups, tech analysis of your needs, deployment process figured out and so much more. You’ll get all of that and other little titbits of valuable information by buying our Startup Package. For more info, please send us a note on contact@tekspect.com

Project Management Services

So your team is there, but there’s no formal or informal leader there. No one to facilitate the good functioning of the team. People have only a basic idea of Scrum and while doing maintenance to the services in prod, they do not use Kanban. You don’t have a clear follow-up process on each of individual tickets. You have a big number of features still in To Do column because the team either is slowly producing the features you want, or they release them often, but with bugs. How do you manage all that? We have more than 10 years of experience in Project Management. A big plus is that all of our project managers are technical-savvy people, so they understand the ticket details and can easily participate in DevTeam conversations (estimations or dailys) to track the progress and remove any possible impediments.
